WordWrite Hires New Digital Director

WordWrite has added Keira Koscumb to its growing team as Digital and Inbound Marketing Director. In this new position, Keira will lead the development of WordWrite’s digital services and support social media, media relations and influencer relations for the firm’s...

¿Facilita el PR tener un color corporativo?

Las Public relations (PR) son la vía más efectiva para introducir un mensaje en los medios, ya optemos por dirigirnos a una audiencia concreta o nos enfoquemos en una estrategia de comunicación B2B. Pero las relaciones públicas son una...

¿Debe incluirse el PR en una estrategia SEO?

Muchos profesionales del Marketing Digital, a la hora de crear una estrategia de posicionamiento en redes para una marca, se enfrentan a la ardua tarea de empezar a trabajar desde cero. Empezar un escalar una web desde sus inicios tiene su parte positiva, puedes...

What is Thought Leadership & Why It Matters


Thought leadership is one of those buzzwords that gets bruited about without a lot of substance behind it.

What exactly does it mean? 

We’ll answer that question and determine whether or not a thought leadership strategy is worthwhile for your brand.

We’ll then touch on some key ways you can become a thought leader and share some thought leadership examples that you can emulate. 

First, though, here’s a solid definition of thought leadership. 

What Is Thought Leadership?

 While there are many ideas floating around about thought leadership, let’s take a moment to get a clear, industry-supported thought leadership definition. 

For a

Encanto Public Relations and Milan Design Week

Always very busy with events for Encanto Public Relations is the Milan Design Week, which this year starts on April 9th ​​and ends on April 14th. Encanto clients participate in Fuorisalone, a set of events that take place in different areas of Milan during the same...