How to Leverage AI in PR for Amazing Results

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is nothing new. If you’ve been working around PR and marketing, you no doubt already use it to some degree. But what is on the horizon for this technology — and how should brands use AI in PR to drive results?

Artificial intelligence holds a lot of potential for B2B brands — yet some view it with a healthy dose of skepticism. Let’s look more closely at the technology, see what it can do for you now and in the future, and where artificial intelligence and public relations connect.

Let’s get right into this

PR Trends: How to Empower Your PR with SEO

PR pros have been working for years on new PR trends that will propel their communications strategy forward. Today we’re going to focus on one trend that works quite well with digital public relations, yet is often neglected — SEO.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of improving traffic to your website content through such search engines as Google or Bing.

SEO leverages what we know of search engine algorithms to get content on the first page of search engines, and thus more likely to be seen and clicked on by audiences. SEO strategies include such tactics

Blogs corporativos, ¿cómo ponerlos en marcha?

Cuáles son las claves para tener en cuenta Una de las herramientas más utilizadas por las compañías a la hora de planificar su estrategia de marketing de contenidos es la creación o gestión de los blogs corporativos. El...

¿Qué es el Branded Content?

La necesidad de conectar con tu público A la hora de empezar un negocio debes tener en cuenta muchos factores para que sea exitoso. Cuando hablamos de Branded Content hablamos de la manera que tiene la empresa de conectar con el consumidor. No nos referimos a...