6 tips para redactar el asunto de un emailing y que no acabe en la basura
El asunto de un emailing es igual de importante que su contenido. Muchas veces, no logramos conseguir resultados o respuestas a esos numerosos emails que enviamos diariamente. El error, por muy absurdo que parezca, podría estar en el asunto. El asunto se...How to Get PR and Content Marketing Right: Think Like a PR Person
Both content marketing and public relations can alone make the difference between meh and stellar results. But combine the two and you can kick it out of the park. Let’s consider why PR and content marketing are a good combination, and how you can use the two effectively.
But first, let’s consider what some pessimists say about using PR to create content and consider the facts involved in this discussion.
Public Relations: Friend or Foe of Content Marketing?
Public relations and content marketing have worked together for years now, empowering companies to reach their various goals.
However, some critics