9 Expert Guides: How to Win at Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is no longer the cool kid on the block. In a flash, its moved from cutting edge to a necessary tactic for marketers — including B2B marketers.

Not to worry, though, if you’re not there yet or need to up your game. I’ve got you covered.

To keep you abreast of the latest trends in B2B influencer marketing, I’ve rounded up 9 terrific posts. Read on for your Primer on B2B Influencer Marketing.

9 Expert Guides on B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy 1. The Value of Working with Influencers in B2B Marketing

By Lee Odden



8 B2B Product Launch Mistakes That Need to Stop Now

Your B2B product launch is an exciting, albeit stressful, time. The last thing you want is for avoidable B2B product launch mistakes to cripple your launch.

As Winston Churchill famously said, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” While your launch is not on the same league as world wars and mass injustice, the veracity of this quote applies to many areas of life, including your product launch.

The bottom line: You can avoid many product launch woes when you learn from the mistakes of others.

Let’s get right into some of the

How to Boost B2B Lead Generation with Instagram Stories



Quick question: Is Instagram a resource for B2B lead generation?


At first glance, the two seem like natural bedfellows. On one side, we have the cool, sexy social network that is all about visual experiences. On the other side, we have B2B executives and industries traditionally focused on expertise and professionalism.

Historically, there have been three go-to networks for B2B companies — Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook — while Instagram had a solid footing in the B2C space.

No more ….

So what’s changing changed to make Instagram a viable option in the B2B space?

It comes