PRBI Insights
Boutique PR Firms Offer Big Advantages in Small Packages
One of the saddest days in my years as a PR agency owner was when we lost a startup client because our firm wasn’t a well-known brand name (similar to many other boutique PR firms). We had been working for this client for a relatively short time on a trial basis. We...
Hiring a PR Firm? Here’s How to (and not to) Behave
No matter how much experience corporate marketing or communications professionals have, unless they’ve worked in a PR/communications firm they can’t fully appreciate the amount of work that public relations agencies put into preparing a proposal. It’s not uncommon for...
What You Need to Know About Marketing & PR Use of Psychographics
The ever-increasing complexity and sophistication of communications technology has expanded the capabilities of public relations and marketing professionals to persuade a target audience. One technology-based skill set that has been put to use fairly recently as a...
How to Use Media Partnerships in a PR Program
There’s a common misconception that public relations means media publicity, the development of non-paid, “earned” media coverage – that is, media content written or produced by journalists as a result of receiving information from an organization. While that is a...
How to Benefit from Building Community Partnerships
Governmental and non-profit organizations team up to form strategic partnerships for a multitude of reasons. Often called “public-private partnerships,” these relationships can and should be win-win propositions for each organization involved. These partnerships are...
An Astute Positioning Statement is the Heart of Successful PR
"Sometimes when public relations programs yield disappointing results, the fault lies with underlying communications and marketing assumptions. Part of the responsibility of the senior public relations staff and/or outside PR consultants is to question those...
How to Brainstorm Successfully: Stifle Critics & Motormouths
This is the second of two blog posts about how to brainstorm successfully. This post will provide tips on how to handle some touchy issues in brainstorming sessions. According to Merriam Webster, brainstorming is “a group problem-solving technique that involves the...
How to Brainstorm the Best PR & Marketing Solutions
You’ve been in the conference room for over an hour with your team trying to come up with creative ideas to launch the company’s new product. At this point nobody’s saying much of anything. That’s because the usual fast talkers have already been shot down by the...
Striking Gold: How to Hire the Best Public Relations Professional
Part II: Public Relations Interview Tips & Questions; Warning Signs on Who Not to Hire Not everyone who needs to hire a public relations professional feels comfortable doing it. CEOs and marketing directors in startups and smaller companies may have never hired...
How to Hire a Stellar Public Relations Professional
In some situations, every hire is a crucial decision. When you own a boutique PR agency and need to add one more to your staff of four (a 25 percent increase in salaries!), or if you head up marketing at a startup where each additional employee has serious...
How CEO Mistakes Can Prevent Effective Public Relations
It’s safe to say that most PR disasters in corporations aren’t caused by the actions of the public relations staff, but develop from the actions and decisions of corporate decision-makers, often by the CEO. Among the countless errors that...
How to Score Traditional Earned Media in a New Media Era
Estimated reading time: 5.5 minutes Earned media can’t be bought, and it gets harder and harder to come by. An essential part of the formula for building and maintaining a good reputation, traditional earned media is what journalists say about a company or a product...
Public Relations Boutiques International (PRBI) Sets Annual General Meeting in Milan
For Immediate Release: April 20, 2023 Public Relations Boutiques International (PRBI) Sets Annual General Meeting in Milan Public relations professionals from across the globe will discuss emerging communications practices and learn from industry leaders New York, NY...
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