B2B PR Trends: How to Give Journalists What They Really Want
Journalism has been battered by major changes over the past few years. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with these changes, you’re not alone. But to help you up your effectiveness, we’ve highlighted the key B2B PR trends you need to know to appeal to journalists.
Two Reports, Two Different Points of View: What It Means For You
We recently noticed two reports on the state of journalism. Cision released its 2018 Global State of the Media Report and MuckRack and The Zeno Group joined forces to create their report, The State of Journalism Today. Both of these
B2B PR Trends: How to Give Journalists What They Really Want
Journalism has been battered by major changes over the past few years. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with these changes, you’re not alone. But to help you up your effectiveness, we’ve highlighted the key B2B PR trends you need to know to appeal to journalists.
Two Reports, Two Different Points of View: What It Means For You
We recently noticed two reports on the state of journalism. Cision released its 2018 Global State of the Media Report and MuckRack and The Zeno Group joined forces to create their report, The State of Journalism Today. Both of these