The Best Practices for LinkedIn: How to Fire Up Your Strategy

When did you take a long, hard look at your LinkedIn strategy? If you’re losing momentum and your strategy is lagging behind your competitors, it’s time to look under the hood. Staying on top of the latest best practices for LinkedIn will rejuvenate your strategy — and ensure it’s firing on all cylinders.

LinkedIn constantly improves its offerings, becoming a hub for creative and professional networking. At last count, LinkedIn had around 562 million users worldwide — with 133 million in the United States. It’s an impressive audience, all of whom you have the power to reach. 


5 Trending Rumors About B2B Lead Generation That Need to Die

Lead generation is one of the top struggles for nearly every B2B company. In an ideal world, you’d retain clients with bottomless pockets for an eternity and you wouldn’t have to hit the pavement looking for new leads. However, we all know that’s not the reality in which we all live.

The truth for most B2B companies is:

Lack of time and staff are huge obstacles to lead generation.  Existing client’s budgets change, so the need for new leads is ongoing.  Allocating enough funds for lead generation often takes a backseat to tending to existing clientele. 

Add to this,

Communication is key to a successful relationship with your PR firm

You’ve finally chosen a PR firm to work with.  You’ve done the due diligence, sorted through proposals, interviewed the candidates, and you feel you have found the right fit for your business.

But that’s just the beginning.  The practice of public relations is based on communication, and that’s especially important when you bring in outside counsel.  Here are a few things to keep in mind.

It’s not “one and done.”  You probably shared a great deal of information with your PR firm before hiring them, and they have a good feeling for what you do and what makes your company

PR for B2B Startups: How to Boost Your Exposure


Is PR for B2B startups really necessary? While you may think that you have the stand-out ideas and product to ensure startup stardom, let’s consider a couple facts… Every year, around 100 million startups are launched throughout the world. Of that number, it is estimated that a little over 50% fail in the first four years. 

Does this mean that failure is inevitable? Hardly!

Sometimes all it takes is knowing the right PR strategies for startups to get your business the exposure to catapult you to success. 

Why PR Is Important for Startup Success

PR has made

Success Stories als Kundenbindung

Knapp 100 Erfolgsgeschichten habe ich in den vergangenen 20 Jahren geschrieben, und ich mochte jede einzelne davon. Und jede einzelne davon wurde zum Erfolg, vor allem dann, wenn das Marketing dieses Contents orchestriert und planmäßig abgelaufen ist. Aber...