Mrs. Ilona Leib
Suurtüki 4B, Tallinn 10133, Estonia
Phone: +372 51 65 654
PR Partner · Tallinn, Estonia
Information in the world we live in today is a key instrument of power and influence. The ones who know how to use the information they have can shape the ways how they are perceived. PR Partner is an independent full-service strategic communication agency that has supported companies and organizations in solving critical questions since 2005. We have given fresh outlooks and helped to create meaningful messages for clients from the public as well as private sector.
PR Partner offers all public relations services and we are one of the leading crisis communication agencies in Estonia. PR Partner stands for established long-term partnerships, proven methods and rich experience. We have solved complex issues and created comprehensive communication systems. One of them being the national crisis communication system.
PR Partner is a diverse team of experts who offers carefully considered tailor-made solutions. We are responsible, creative and self-critical. We like achieving results, but we leave the glory of success to our clients.
PR Partner
Suurtüki 4B, Tallinn 10133, Estonia
E-mail: info@prpartner.ee
Phone: +372 51 65 654