Juris Petersons

K. Barona Street 36-7
Riga, LV1011


Linda Vitola-Baranova is the founding partner at Jazz Communications, a PR agency in Latvia.

Jazz Communications · Riga, Latvia


Operating out of Riga, Latvia Jazz Communications is an independent communication consultancy, run by its two founding partners Ms. Linda Vitola and Mr. Juris Petersons.

Communication and content strategy, media relations, crisis communication management, digital communication and corporate events are the backbone of our company services to clients. We service transport and aviation, real estate and construction, finance, environment and waste management, professional services and consumer goods industries among others.

Clients can fully depend on thorough research of their business goals, communication needs and preparation prior to the launch of the communication plan, campaign or event. This allows us to measure the results and make us fully accountable for our performance.

Jazz Communications

K. Barona Street 36-7
Riga, LV1011